
Where to next? New jobs, new home in 2024!

The Fullers are saying goodbye to Morocco

It seems like just yesterday that we took new jobs and moved to our new home in Morocco. We never imagined that we’d stay for five years! And even with a pandemic that disrupted so much for educators (and expats, and parents, and…everyone!), those five years have gone so fast.

For the last two years, people have asked us “Where to next?” as though we can just get new jobs wherever we dream of going. (Wouldn’t that be nice?)

You would also think that after having this experience and traveling all over, we would know exactly where we wanted to go, but this lifestyle has only made it harder, because…well, there are so many incredible places on this planet, and we’ve only seen a small fraction of it.

Click here to read about our recent trip to Switzerland!

Also, Morocco is and has been an amazing place to live for our family. It was never on our radar when we first began our search for jobs abroad, and yet…it was exactly where we were meant to end up. Aside from being a magical country to experience, we’ve made lifelong friends here, had teaching experiences that are incomparable to those in the US, and watched our girls thrive. There will be many tears shed as we say goodbye. Put this country on your bucket-list to visit, immediately.

All that said, it was never our intention to move abroad only to stay in one place until we retired.

The Process of finding New Jobs is always a little different…

So, we began dreaming and applying. And readying ourselves for the discomfort that comes with getting new jobs and finding a new home…in a new country.

Ted interviewed at several schools all over the world. The process for me goes something like this: Ted gets an interview, I go down the rabbit hole of researching what it’s like to live in the place where the school is located. I go so far as to start looking at possible housing and restaurants nearby, fun things to do with kids, how long it takes to get back to the states, air quality, crime rate…when I say “rabbit hole” I mean it.

Somewhere along the way, if the school is a good fit, he shares my resume and if there is an opening I’m invited to apply and interview.

Last fall, he was the finalist at more than one place, which really put us in a pinch, but, I’ll spare you the details because I’m sure you’re ready for the BIG REVEAL:

Portugal is a country that we have visited three times and loved, (especially a little taco place called The Green Room in Lagos!) But life is not all tacos, and there will be lots to learn and lots to do as we ready ourselves for this next step.

How are the kids feeling about moving?

All emotions are welcome here…

Change is hard and scary, even for grownups. We believe that experiencing challenges with the support of your immediate family is the best way to learn how to navigate them, and this is no different. We have engaged the kids’ teachers and their school counselor, so that all of “their adults” can be helping them through any emotions that might come up. The book Third Culture Kids is a great resource.

We feel extremely lucky to be going to a country the girls have been to before. It’s also pretty close to Morocco, so we will be able to take a trip or two and see the school, meet their teachers and principal, and look for housing. Being able to picture one’s bedroom is, naturally, essential.

Our youngest turned three right after we moved to Morocco (and spends many of her birthdays flying over the Atlantic, sweet lil’ thing). Our villa on the beach in Northeast Africa is the home she remembers. Her feelings are different from her big sister’s, who is more excited than nervous.

Ernie, on the other hand, has no idea what’s about to happen.

We’re taking it one step at a time, we’re looking at a lot of pictures of our trips to Portugal, and we are guaranteeing lots of playdates with friends in the time we have left here.

New Jobs and a New Home…what’s next?

There’s also some logistics to figure out…what to take with us, what to sell? How to move it–land or sea? And the all-important Visa application process. We have a few months to put all of the pieces together.

As exciting as this is, we can’t forget that we have jobs to do here in Morocco. We’re still deeply invested in our work at the school, the girls have amazing teachers and friends and much to learn before we go. There’s more of Morocco to see (always!) and memories to make here, and now.

And hopefully, we’ll have a few years’ break before anyone asks us, “Where to next?”

For now, we have…fuller hearts that are full of excitement, and it’s a Fuller World than we could have ever imagined.